The impact of the PNRR 2 Decree on the employment relationship.

by the lawyer. Anna Buttafoco.
On 30 April 2022, Legislative Decree no. was published in the Official Journal. 36/2022 which introduced "Further urgent measures for the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan". The Decree, which came into force on 1 May, represents the second important implementation intervention of the PNRR (the first is constituted by Legislative Decree no. 152/2021, converted into Law no. 233/2021) and addresses, among the many important issues, also the one that interests the public sector, defining the objectives and guidelines of the long-awaited reform. The innovations introduced on recruitment procedures, training and employee mobility are important:
Access to competitions for fixed-term and permanent hiring in public administrations will be possible exclusively by registering on the portal, operational from 1 July and will be mandatory from 1 November 2022. Competitions must include at least one test written, also with a theoretical-practical content, and always an oral test, including the assessment of at least one foreign language; the introduction of evaluation systems that take into account skills and aptitudes is also envisaged;
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