

March news


The motivation for dismissal for
exceeding the compliance period.


With ordinance no.
6336 of 2 March 2023, the Court of Cassation stated that in dismissal for exceeding the duty period,
the employer is not obliged to specify the individual days of absence, as
more overall indications may be considered sufficient.
However, also on the basis of the provisions of article 2 of law
604/1966, which requires the contextual communication of the reasons, the motivation must be suitable to highlight the overcoming of the
behavior in relation to the applicable contractual discipline, acknowledging
the total number of absences occurred in a given period,
without prejudice to the burden, in any judicial office, to
fully attach and prove the facts constituting the power exercised.


Fragility and holidays at the Valencia Carnival: yes
to the right cause.


The Court of Appeal of Florence, with sentence no.
208/2023 of 03/20/2023, confirmed the legitimacy of the dismissal for just cause of the
employee who, during the period of suspension of
work performance due to being in a "fragile" condition, had gone to the
Valencia carnival and published photos on social media while attended the event.
The Court held that "[...] the situation photographed in the two images
complained of unequivocally represents a situation in
which - to use the terminology of the jurisprudence
cited above - either the serious pathology underlying the fragility was simulated, or the
worker's conduct was potentially capable of compromising her
condition of fragility, consequently delaying her return to service,
as can be seen from the fact that on the occasion of a holiday abroad, which took
place in a Spanish city where the traditional
carnival celebration which notoriously attracted thousands of
visitors, the worker was portrayed close to 4 friends, outdoors or in
a public place, without any of them wearing a mask".


The burden of proof in
retaliatory dismissal.


With ordinance no.
6838/2023 of 7 March 2023, the Court of Cassation highlights that the request for nullity for a
retaliatory dismissal can be accepted, and argued by supporting the existence of
an illicit motive underlying it.
It is necessary for the worker to demonstrate that the retaliatory intent
determined the employer's will to withdraw from the employment relationship,

By the lawyer. Marco Craia



Magazine – Direct Line with the Territories of 03/20/2023


A few days ago Prof. Luigi Fiorillo was interviewed by the journalist Giulia Di Stefano during the broadcast "Filo Diretto con i Territori" on #Rai Parliament.
Together with PD senator Antonio Misiani, he was asked about the reform of Citizenship Income and above all about the repercussions that the new MIA will have on active labor policies, employment and the fight against poverty.



The Milleproroghe Decree converted into law: the provisions regarding work.


Law no. 24 February 2023 was published in the Official Journal. 14, of “Conversion into law, with amendments, of the legislative decree of 29 December 2022, n. 198, containing urgent provisions regarding legislative deadlines. Extension of deadlines for the exercise of legislative delegations”, the so-called Milleproroghe Decree .

Below are the main news on employment terms:

  • supply contract with the same worker exceeds twenty-four months has been extended to 30 June 2025 , without prejudice to the condition that the employment agency has communicated to the user the existence of the permanent employment relationship with the worker;
  • the deadline for the adoption of one or more legislative decrees for the review and reorganization of the current provisions on disability pursuant to law no. of 22 December 2021 227;
  • enhancement of the family have been extended to 24 months (replacing the twelve originally envisaged by the enabling law) ;
  • the possibility for so-called fragile workers to carry out the service in smart working , also through the assignment of a different job included in the same category or area of ​​classification, as defined by the collective labor agreements in force, without any reduction in salary salary in enjoyment;
  • parents employed has been extended to 30 June 2023 , provided that in the family unit there is no other parent benefiting from income support instruments in the event of suspension or termination of the work activity or that there is no non-working parent, to carry out the work in smart working even in the absence of individual agreements, without prejudice to compliance with the information obligations provided for in articles 18 to 23 of law no. 81/2017, and provided that this method is compatible with the characteristics of the service
  • New Skills Fund has been extended to the end of 2023 ;
  • Third Sector Bodies to adapt to the mandatory rules of the reform discipline of the Third Sector Code has been extended to 31 December 2023
  • early retirement plans for workers seven years away from retirement age (so-called isopension) has been extended until 2026

The worker's right to oral hearing in disciplinary proceedings.


by the lawyer. Wild Cheats.

According to paragraph 2 of the art. 7 of law 300/1970, the employer, in order to adopt a valid disciplinary measure against an employee, is required not only to contest the charge in writing, but also to listen to him orally in his defense where the accused worker make an express request. According to the following paragraph 3, during the oral hearing, the worker may be assisted by a representative of the trade union association to which he joins or mandates. The oral hearing, with or without the assistance of a trade union representative, constitutes a fundamental right of the worker, as it is an expression and direct derivation of his right to defence. Therefore, if the employee requests to be heard orally and the employer does not fulfill the relevant obligation, the sanction imposed may be cancelled. The mandatory nature of the obligation of oral hearing requires the employer to respect it even if the employee has already submitted his justifications in writing without requesting to be heard orally as well. In fact, the employer is precluded from any union regarding the necessity, or opportunity, of the requested defensive integration, considering that the relevant evaluation is left and delegated exclusively to the worker.

In particular, according to the most recent jurisprudential direction, the worker must be granted the possibility of full explication of the right of defense and, therefore, also the possibility, after having presented written justifications without formulating any request for an oral hearing, to develop "a change of heart ” regarding the greater defensive adequacy of the (also) oral representation of the exculpatory elements (Court of Cassation n. 19846/2020). Therefore, if the worker expressly requests it, the employer is required to hear him orally in his defense since the exculpations provided in writing consume his right of defense only when the written declaration shows the waiver of being heard or when the request appears ambiguous or lacking unambiguity (Court of Cassation no. 16421/2019). The right to an oral hearing even after written justifications does not conflict with paragraph 4 of the art. 7 cit., according to which "disciplinary measures more serious than a verbal reprimand cannot be applied before five days have passed from the written notification of the fact which gave rise to it", and this is because the expiry of the indicated term does not determine the forfeiture of the worker's right to request an oral hearing in his defense. Furthermore, if the employee promptly requests the postponement of the requested oral hearing due to a health reason (proven by appropriate medical certification), the employer must necessarily postpone the hearing until the worker's illness ceases. Ultimately, it must be considered that the prior oral hearing of the worker, where expressly requested by the latter, represents an essential procedural prerequisite, which cannot be omitted by the employer, if not invalidating the validity of both the entire disciplinary procedure initiated and of the measure that may follow.

The shortened working week in the United Arab Emirates.

by the lawyer. Raffaele Riccardi.

The UAE has implemented the shortened working week from 2 January 2022, in order to improve work-life balance, increase productivity and support economic recovery. The choice of the short week, from Monday to Friday at lunchtime, has currently only been adopted in the public sector, but over time it is also intended for the private sector, leading the United Arab Emirates to be one of the first nations in the world to innovate the working standard, with working hours of 38.5 hours per week. The idea of ​​supporting the transition to a shorter working week has been gaining ground around the world for some time, also in light of the field tests carried out by some companies (most recently Atom Bank in the UK and Microsoft in Japan, in addition to the historical experiences carried out by the Icelandic government between 2015 and 2019 which involved numerous public sector workplaces where working hours were reduced from one to four hours per week without loss of salary) which benefited in terms of productivity individual, reduction of errors at work and, last but not least, increase in the psycho-physical well-being of its staff.
The reduction of working hours has a long history if we consider that it went from an average number of hours worked per week around the world of around 70 in 1800 to 60 in 1900, and then to an average of 50 in the 1990s. 50. In 2019, also thanks to the containment legislation that almost all nations have adopted, the average hours worked by employees were around 40. It cannot be overlooked that, as economists have highlighted, the trend towards reducing working hours is closely linked to the growth of the so-called "real hourly wage", i.e. the pay that a person can expect to receive considering the actual purchasing power of money. Only where the real wage rises do workers tend to prefer more free time than working time. This explains the slowdown in the rate of decrease in hours worked since 2009 in most of the world's economies: due, at least in part, to the stagnation of the growth of real earnings also due to the global financial crisis which exploded in those years and whose effects have still persistent. Precisely to avoid "stagnation", the challenge of the United Arab Emirates finds its strong point in an economic axiom according to which if a lower number of hours helps to increase productivity and therefore wage growth, the increase in productivity will initially contribute to “finance” the shorter working week. In the long term, therefore, following the increase in productivity with fewer hours of work needed to produce the same quantity of economic output, real wage levels will also increase. Higher real wages will allow workers to increase levels of public consumption, enjoy more leisure time and potentially invest more in health, education and general well-being.

Pay equality is closer: from California to Italy via the implementing regulation approved by the Lazio Region.

by the lawyer. Patrizia Farinelli
The issue of equal pay is particularly current. It is recent news that Google is committed to paying 118 million dollars to resolve the collective lawsuit for gender discrimination promoted, in San Francisco in 2017, by some of its employees who complained of discriminatory economic treatment for equal qualifications. In our country there are numerous legislative initiatives on the subject. The latest, at a national level, saw the approval of Law no. 162 of 2021 containing "Amendments to the code referred to in legislative decree 11 April 2006 n. 198 and other provisions regarding equal opportunities between men and women in the workplace" which, which came into force on 3 December, established the gender equality certification which attributes economic benefits to virtuous companies. The Lazio Region Council is on the same wavelength and has recently approved the Regulation for the implementation and integration of Law no. 7/2021 containing "Provisions for the promotion of equal pay between the sexes, the support of quality female employment and entrepreneurship as well as for the enhancement of women's skills. Amendments to the regional law 19 March 2014, n. 4 of reorganization of the provisions to combat violence against women" and has identified, on 7 June of each year, the regional day of gender discrimination at work on the occasion of which the results obtained from the regional initiatives promoted in the meantime must be illustrated.
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The effects of failure to rehire for the taxpayer.

by the lawyer. Patrizia Farinelli
The reflection is inspired by the recent order of the Supreme Court which, in tax matters, reiterated the following principle of law: "for the purposes of timely notification of the first tax collection act, the ordinary limitation period for the tax begins to run from when the tax claim has become definitive, and therefore, where following a ruling of cassation with postponement, the finality of the tax assessment depends on the failure of the parties to resume the judgment, the ten-year limitation period will begin to run from when the judgment has expired, as the time needed to arrange for his reinstatement has expired." In essence, the taxpayer, who won against the Revenue Agency at first and second instance, but did not resume the case following a ruling with referral from the Supreme Court (appealed by the Agency, always losing) is penalized and subjected to the collection action because the tax claim (annulled, mind you, by both judges of merit) would have become definitive. The particularity of the issue concerns the different "legal" treatment reserved for the taxpayer/debtor in relations with a public law entity, such as the Revenue Agency, compared to that provided for any debtor towards an alleged "private law" creditor. ”.
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The impact of the PNRR 2 Decree on the employment relationship.

by the lawyer. Anna Buttafoco.
On 30 April 2022, Legislative Decree no. was published in the Official Journal. 36/2022 which introduced "Further urgent measures for the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan". The Decree, which came into force on 1 May, represents the second important implementation intervention of the PNRR (the first is constituted by Legislative Decree no. 152/2021, converted into Law no. 233/2021) and addresses, among the many important issues, also the one that interests the public sector, defining the objectives and guidelines of the long-awaited reform. The innovations introduced on recruitment procedures, training and employee mobility are important:
Access to competitions for fixed-term and permanent hiring in public administrations will be possible exclusively by registering on the portal, operational from 1 July and will be mandatory from 1 November 2022. Competitions must include at least one test written, also with a theoretical-practical content, and always an oral test, including the assessment of at least one foreign language; the introduction of evaluation systems that take into account skills and aptitudes is also envisaged;
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Federal Decree no. 33 of 2021: how the world of work is changing in the United Arab Emirates.

by the lawyer. Raffaele Riccardi.
On February 2, 2022, Federal Decree no. came into force. 33 of 2021 on the regulation of employment relationships in the private sector, which replaces federal law no. 8 of 1980. It is an innovative text, inspired by the most modern Western labor laws in terms of safeguarding employee rights, based on equality between male and female workers. And in fact the declared objective of the decree is to guarantee the efficiency of the United Arab Emirates labor market by supporting the attraction and retention of future skills and talents and providing an attractive business environment for employers, with the aim to enable both parties to contribute to the achievement of the UAE's national development goals. As stated by the Minister of Human Resources and Emirates, the new decree law is the largest update to the laws regulating employment relationships: “The law comes in response to a rapidly evolving workplace amidst technological advances and Covid-19 epidemic. It will apply to different categories of work, including full-time, part-time, temporary and flexible working among other categories.
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Further obstacles for the proceeding creditor: the operational difficulties in the "new" seizure by third parties following law no. 206/2021.


by the lawyer. Raul Scaffidi-Argentina

Law 26 November 2021, n. 206 (in force from 24 December 2021), of "delegation to the Government for the efficiency of the civil process and for the revision of the regulation of alternative dispute resolution tools and urgent measures to rationalize procedures regarding the rights of persons and families as well as in matters of forced execution" (art. 1, paragraphs 32 and 37), has provided that, for proceedings initiated starting from the one hundred and eightieth day following its entry into force, art. will be applied. 543 cpc in its new formulation. It follows that, starting from 22 June 2022, once the seizure with third parties has been registered in the register, by the date of the appearance hearing indicated in the seizure deed, the creditor must:

notify the debtor and the Third Party of the notice of registration in the register, accompanied by the indication of the procedure register number; file the notified notice in the enforcement file.

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